
10 essential items for senior citizen which we need to carry

10 essential items for senior citizen which we need to carry

9 months before
Post By Admin

    Well, senior citizens love to travel ,they love to experience more of life and hence there should be nothing restricting to do so. 

    Definitely there would not be problems if senior people ensures to carry these 10 essentials for they would make their travel a piece of cake.

    Let’s see those, 

    1.Essential medicines plus prescribed ones –

    These are definitely needed , not only the ones prescribed by your doctors but some emergency medicines like paracetamol, digestive medicines ,painkillers , antacids, diuretics are very essential to be carried for a safe travel. One thing to be noted if you have diabetes make sure to carry glucose tablets.

    2. First Aid Kit 

    A handy and simple first aid kit is very much needed for senior people. A kit which includes some sterilized cotton, an antiseptic ,some band aids , a gauze and betadine is well enough for a peaceful travel. These are sometimes the life saviours.

    3.Essential toiletries & important documents 

    Well having your own toiletries is very important, they make your journey super convenient. Carrying a soap, shampoo, hand wash ,adult diapers ,some napkins and a towel will do the job.

    Most important thing is Carrying all the Essential documents. Do not Forget taking your identification documents, all the travel tickets and the associated documents like travel insurance documents.

    4. A pocket diary and a GPS tracker –

    These two may sound vague but these are extremely helpful. You can write down the contact details in the pocket diary so even of you land in an emergency, the pocket diary will serve the purpose and the GPS tracker will help to locate you. 

    5. Reading aids –

    These reading glasses will help you to read clearly and independently.

    6. Chargers and Power bank

    Smart phone batteries die out sooner than keypad dial phones. In order to prevent this ,in order to prevent your phone from getting switched off all of a sudden , ensure to take good amount of power backup with a power bank and ensure to keep your phones charged with the help of the chargers.

    7.A neck pillow & a foldable walking stick

    These are the two things Which makes your journey a comfortable one .Sleeping while flying is made easier and walking on rough terrains will be simpler too.

    8. Water Bottles and Snacks 

    Senior citizens tend to become dehydrated , this is why it is very necessary to keep them hydrated , therefore ensure to take good amount of water ,hydration tables ,ORS. Carrying some light snacks to satiate your hunger will be very helpful during hypoglycaemia or hypotension.

    9. Comfortable walking shoes

    Walking shoes are useful, very useful for senior citizens because they will help them to walk at their ease. Additionally, carrying some knee caps and painkiller sprays will aid in the times of need.

    10. Oxygen canisters

    A life saving product for senior citizens , becomes very useful for those senior people travelling to high altitudes. Having an oxygen canister handy will help overcome several issues like that of asphyxiation, anorexia or hypoxia.

    Well that’s all, all these items listed above will certainly ensure a safe and comfortable journey for our lovable senior citizens.